Wednesday, April 13, 2011

one of my experiences

one night about a year ago, i was trying to fall asleep. i was in that state in between being awake, and almost asleep. when i opened my eyes i saw this dark figure kneeling down next to my bed. the figure then slowly rose up, standing to what it looked like about 6 feet tall. i couldn't move, and was more confused than anything else because i was wondering what this thing was...then it disappeared. this happened about four more times throughout the past year, and it has happened in two houses, and different rooms as well. the thing about this shadow figure is that it is always in a different place in the room whenever i did see it, and i never feel any evil when i do see it. i fully believe that i am not still dreaming, or imagining things when i see this because it has happened more than once, and it has happened in TWO houses. my only question left is to know whether or not this thing is evil or not, and what does it want.
I have not seen this figure in a few months, but about a month ago during two different nights, I saw things around my room that weren't supposed to be there. As soon as I turned on the lights though, they were gone. Was I imagining those things too? Not to be childish, but ever since I've been turning on a night light every night, nothing has happened at all. To tell the truth, I haven't even had a nightmare since then (knock on wood!). Has anyone else had any similar experiences, or any knowledge on this subject matter? There is definitely some debate over whether or not these shadow figures are indeed demons (evil spirits), or whether or not they are merely manifestations but we only associate black with evil, so we therefore assume that these shadow figures are evil. Thoughts?
Here's a link to another blog that discusses shadow spirits:

Welcome To My Blog!

Hello everyone. During the past few months I have been wanting to create my own blog. The only problem was that I didn't know what to mainly discuss. I didn't want to talk about my life in general, or random things. I wanted this blog to have a main focus that I was interested in, and therefore would actually keep updating! After listening to a podcast, I realized what I wanted to blog about. Paranormal and spirituality. Ever since I was little, I have always been fascinated with the paranormal. My interest first began with the kid horror book series Goosebumps, I read those all day and everyday.

Then I began to watch ghost shows on televisions. I still am obsessed with watching paranormal shows. My favorite show would have to be Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel. I feel that this crew actually has a deep interest in the paranormal and wants to share that with others. As of lately, I have began to listen to Darkness Radio on my podcast. It seems every chance that I get, I have my headphones on and my Itouch on full volume listening to Dave and his guest talking about the paranormal. It is interesting that I am so enthralled with this subject, but I am scared to death about actually coming into contact with anything. I have had some sort of encounter with something, but that will appear on another blog...
Otherwise, welcome to my blog, and feel free to discuss anything that you would like to share!